Dr. Jason Litner, MD FRCSC (photo)

Facelift Case 5

Facelift Case 5

Posted by Dr. Litner and Dr. Solieman on August 1st, 2017

Revision Facelift: This patient was just ecstatic with the results of her revision Hybrid Lift. A previous face lift had left her with widened scars below the ears and a ‘pixie ear’ deformity in which the attached ear lobes were excessively pulled down to a point. This occurs when too much tension in a facelift is placed on the skin itself without proper lift of the deep tissues. In addition, she was unhappy with her recurrent jowls and squaring of the jawline. Loss of fat volume with flattening of the cheek area further contributed to the more square appearance to the face. The Profiles Hybrid Lift combined the benefits of a deep tissue facelift to get meaningful and natural lift of the neck and lower face with fat transfer to the mid face to restore a beautiful, feminine contour. Because the tension of our lift is on the deep tissues, the skin drapes naturally around the ears to resolve her earlobe issues and allow for totally inconspicuous incisions. Finally, a medium depth chemical peel smoothened her skin’s fine lines and textural irregularities.

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