Dr. Jason Litner, MD FRCSC (photo)

Facelift Case 6

Facelift Case 6

Posted by Dr. Litner and Dr. Solieman on August 1st, 2017

Facelift: For this Asian patient, loss of facial volume due to aging, made her face appear masculine, with a boxy shape. She also did not like the hollowing that had developed in her cheeks and around the lower mouth area, making her look like she was always frowning. She had explored the idea of a mini-lift because she wanted to look completely natural without any sign of having had a lift. For her, a Hybrid Lift was the ideal procedure to eliminate her jowls, smoothen her jawline, and significantly soften her cheeks. Since the Hybrid Lift accomplishes a deep lift through a shortened incision around the ear, the resultant scars are completely imperceptible and the hairline at the temple is not altered, so women are free to wear their hair up in any style.

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