Posted by Dr. Litner and Dr. Solieman on August 14th, 2017
Case 5: This woman had a previous rhinoplasty that left her with a scarred, undefined nose with very poor support. She was also...
Posted by Dr. Litner and Dr. Solieman on August 14th, 2017
Case 4: This avid outdoors woman and former pro athlete had accumulated a lot of sun damage over the years, making her feel much...
Posted by Dr. Litner and Dr. Solieman on August 14th, 2017
Case 3: This pretty former model was noticing some of the early signs of facial aging, including brow ptosis, heaviness around...
Posted by Dr. Litner and Dr. Solieman on August 14th, 2017
Case 2: Lower eyelid skin laxity can lead to a drawn and tired look even when well rested. Here, traditional lower eyelid...
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