Posted by Dr. Litner and Dr. Solieman on January 1st, 2010
Case 11: The big concern for this patient was excessive height and projection, making her nose feel too big for her face. She...
Posted by Dr. Litner and Dr. Solieman on January 1st, 2010
Case 10: In this patient, a little height throughout the bridge gave the sense of a downturned tip. Hump reduction was combined...
Posted by Dr. Litner and Dr. Solieman on January 1st, 2010
Case 9: This young woman’s main concerns with her nose were her bump and nasal projection along with a boxy tip. She wanted her...
Posted by Dr. Litner and Dr. Solieman on January 1st, 2010
Case 8: This young, African American lady had a beautiful result. On front view, her tip is much more refined and her nostrils...
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